Level 1 Examples

Examples from around Canterbury for the new Level 1 standards. 

We would love to see more! Please email yours to canterburyartteachers@gmail.com 

1.2 Examples from Rolleston College

Learners were exploring Mahinga Kai and Tangata Tititi kai. Utilised local stories the Ngāi Tahi Youtube series for information about Te Waihora and Pātiki , exhibitions and sculptures at Te Ara Ātea, and brought in stories of pākeha farming methods to explore and create print works.

Rolleston College Example - 1.2 - Excellence_to share.pdf

1.2 - Excellence

Note: names have been removed from prints.

Rolleston College Example - 1.2 - Merit_to share.pdf

1.2 - Merit

Note: names have been removed from prints.

Rolleston College Exampler -1.2 - Achieved_to share.pdf

1.2 - Achieved

Note: names have been removed from prints.